For Merchants acquiring through our TPP, Disputes (Credit card chargebacks) can be viewed, contested and managed via the Dashboard, under Transactions > Disputes.

Dispute Statues are as below:

Open - The dispute is open and has yet to be contested

Contested - The dispute was contested by the merchant

Accepted - The dispute was accepted by the merchant

Won - The dispute was successfully contested

Lost - The dispute was unsuccessfully contested

Expired - The response due date passed without the dispute being contested

Individual Dispute Search

  1. Select Transaction > Disputes
  2. Select a Date Range to filter disputes by a given date range.
  3. Enter transaction id in the Search text box.
  4. Select status, order by and sort by options.

Managing Disputes

Disputes can be contested or accepted, by clicking on the Transaction ID of the dispute in question, then clicking on either 'Upload Evidence' to contest the dispute, or 'Accept dispute' to accept the dispute.

Please note, uploaded evidence needs to be in PDF format.

Dashboard users can also subscribe to Chargeback Notification emails, via the Reports > Subscribers section of the Merchant Dashboard, this will give the user an email notification each time a dispute is raised.